
Principal investigator

Nanoparticle probes for mass spectrometry imaging (2021-2023, Czech Science Foundation)

Single nanoparticle mass spectrometry imaging (2018-2020, Czech Science Foundation)

Laser desorption mass spectrometry for analysis of molecules and nanoparticles (2015 - 2017, Czech Science Foundation)

Novel front-end strategies for desorption mass spectrometry (2012 - 2014, Czech Science Foundation)

Analysis of Biomolecules with Nanomaterials Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Mass Spectrometry (2010 - 2012, Czech Science Foundation)

Multidetection platform for microcolumn separation of proteins and peptides (2009 - 2011, Czech Science Foundation)

Integrated genome and proteome analysis of therapeutically important bacteriophages by combination of electrophoresis and mass spectrometry (2003 - 2005, Czech Science Foundation)

Combination of TLC and MALDI-TOF-MS in analysis of oligosaccharides and peptides (2004 - 2005, Kontakt, with Dr. Katarína Reiffová, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia)

Capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection for special laboratory course (2002, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic)


Development of nanobiotechnology methods for monitoring of therapeutic staphylococcal bacteriophages in clinical samples (2022-2026, Czech health research council)

MALDI MS Imaging of Lipid Carbon-Carbon Double Bond Positional Isomers (2019 - 2021, Czech Science Foundation, A. Bednařík, Masaryk University)

Optimization of targeted therapy of colorectal carcinoma by altering penetration efficiency and cytotoxicity of cell signaling regulators _(2017 - 2019, Grant Agency of Masaryk University, Dr. J. Navrátilová, Masaryk University)

Molecular basis of cell and tissue regulations (2005 - 2011, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic, Prof. J. Fajkus, Masaryk University)